Uros - jedna od retkih u kosulji 2

Who Am I?

Born:   18. november 1981.

Profession: Radio/podcast expert (consultant – onair coaching, music scheduling, sales/marketing/promotions, strategist), PR manager, social networking consultant, community manager, audio/video editor, comedian, creative solutions, marketing expert.

  • Over 10 years of working experience as radio host/DJ, script writer

  • Over 10 years of working experience as editor in chief, radio program director, consultant and coach

  • So far eaten over 100kg of burek with cheese

  • Over 15 years of photo and video editing experience

  • 10 years in podcast industry

2023. HistoryCast – Editor in Chief and promotion

2023. Dva i po psihijatra – Editor in Chief and promotion

2022. PodMedia – co-Founder (podcast production company)

2023. “MediaScope” – author and host

2022-2024. Thomson Foundation – Radio and Podcast trainer-consultant

2021-2022. Krik – podcast production and coaching
2019. MSDSS – podcast production
2019. Media Jam – podcasts coach

2018. Super žene preko radio antene (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – podcast production and coaching
2018. Radio Kameleon (Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina) – consultant

2016. Heroj dana (Novi Sad) – podcast production and coaching

Radio Capris (Koper, Slovenia) – program and music scheduling trainings

since 2016. STIHL – content production (online and radio/tv)
since 2016. HEINEKEN Serbia website editor
since 2016. Radio Signal, Novi Sad – consultant

since 2014. City radio – guerilla promotion of new radio station in Podgorica
since 2013. CEO, Program Director, Music Director, DJ and host of comedy show
at Radio Laguna

since 2014. guerilla promotion of new radio station in Podgorica – station that went viral

since 2013. CEO, Program Director, Music Director, DJ and host of comedy show  at Radio Laguna

since 2012. consultant at DRS (most listened radio station in Podgorica, Montenegro)

2009-2012. Program director at Prvi radio (radio network in Serbia)

2009-2011. consultant at regional Radio AS FM

since 2010. contributor at www.njuz.net (most recognized satirical online site in Serbia)

2010. program director at Radio Roadstar, later Hit Music FM (national station)

2007-09. author at “Indexovo Pozorište” (famous radio and TV troup in Serbia, political humor)

2005-13. host and program director at Radio Index (national radio station)

2004-05. author and host at Idea FM

  • Creative writing (humor, satire, music)
  • Marketing (slogans, content, campaigns)
  • Photo/audio/video production
  • Social networking (viral content creation, marketing)
  • Mensa member from 2003. (former President of testing comitee)
  • IELTS (academic level, grade 8.5)
  • Sound forge/Vegas
  • Qnet radio automation
  • MusicMaster scheduling
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Photoshop/Lightroom (user level)
  • WordPress (user level)
  • 20 years working experience as radio host, DJ, author, script wrighter, copyrighter
  • 10 years working experience as program director, CEO of national and reginal radio stations
  • 15 years of creating viral and guerilla content on national internet scene
  • 10 years of voice-over for well known European companies (Deichmann, Monini, AudioPro, etc.)
  • 10 years of radio and communications consulting
  • 9 years of podcast consulting and production
Audio CD “Želite li da postanete premijer” (author, scenarist, actor)

Audio CD “Vladovizija” (lyrics, co-singer)

Audio CD “Afera ložač” (co-author, scenarist, actor)

Book “Ovo nam možda nije trebalo” (Njuz.net, co-writer)

Book “Knjiga za sajam” (Njuz.net, co writer)

Audio CD “Collision Within” (Tibia, guest piano)


Some of the clients I work with

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.
Rachel Naomi Remen, Commonweal