
If the content was the king, what would be the EMOTENT?

By |2019-05-27T13:18:46+00:00April 5th, 2017|English|

The emotent would be the God! During the 2015. and 2016. we have discussed a lot about Storyselling, and now it is time to talk about EMOTENT. But, before everything, let's try to define what is CONTENT? I hear too often "Content is the king", "Content is most important". Way too often. Even when I [...]

If content was the king, what would be THE EMOTENT? (SRPSKI)

By |2019-05-27T13:18:46+00:00April 4th, 2017|Ozbiljno, Srpski|

The emotent would be the God! Tek što smo na seminarima tokom 2015. i 2016. diskutovali o Storyselling-u, vreme je da pričamo o EMOTENTU. Ali, pre svega, šta je to content (na srpskom, sadržaj)? Prečesto čujem u marketingu (tradicionalnom, digitalnom, političkom), na radiju, televiziji, online panelima, predavanjima, pa čak i kada sam u WC: “CONTENT IS [...]